This week, as the UN is recognising the third anniversary of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) during Global Goals Week, Avon is proud to reaffirm its commitment to the SDGs. Through our network of 6 million Representatives around the world and our direct selling business model, we have a unique opportunity to address the economic and other barriers that hold women back today.
Avon is committed to addressing SDG 5 (helping to achieve gender equality and empowering women and girls) and SDG 8 (promoting sustained, inclusive and sustainable growth, full and productive employment and decent work). Our commitments to educate women on the signs and risks of breast cancer and our work to help end violence against women and girls also support SDG 3 (ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all at all ages). While these goals are our focus, we support other SDGs through our continuous work to improve our environmental impact and by operating as a company that makes and sells quality, responsibly sourced products.
The work we do to support the SDGs is integral to our business in the more than 50 markets in which we operate. But we are not working alone. In addition to numerous NGO partners around the world, we also are members of BSR’s Business Action for Women (BAW) initiative. Through BAW Avon collaborates with other leading brands to drive real change for women globally by tackling some of the systemic challenges affecting women. BAW aims to eliminate harassment and violence against women, increase the number of women in leadership positions in global supply chains and empower women to lead on climate resilience.
The SDGs -- which strive to end poverty and inequalities, protect the planet, and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030 -- are ambitious, but achievable if companies like Avon play a role. We believe that empowering women around the world is key for a sustainable future, for everyone. Look out for Avon’s social media activities during Global Goals Week by searching for #GlobalGoals on Twitter and following Avon Worldwide.