End Violence Against Women

One in three women will be impacted by sexual or physical violence in their lifetime

One in three women will be impacted by sexual or physical violence in their lifetime.

Gender-based violence does not discriminate, and can affect anyone. What’s more, violence against women, and particularly intimate partner violence has historically been a taboo subject. 

Together we must speak out, because silence hurts.

If you would like to join other survivors in sharing your experience please visit The Voices of No More

Breaking the silence around gender-based violence, in collaboration with our global charity partner NO MORE this video aims to shine a light on the controlling and abusive behaviour designed to destroy self-esteem and a woman’s power using appearance and make-up as a form of manipulation.

This behaviour is frequently part of or a precursor to physical violence. The words in the video are based on real experiences of survivors of domestic violence, and signposts to where those suffering abuse in any form can go to seek help.

Our 2023 research was designed to understand the extent to which women feel their partners have control over their appearance, make-up, clothing and self-expression. The insights shed light on this aspect of intimate partner relationships and how makeup can be used as a form of dominance and control. This research also explored the positive and empowering aspects of make up for women and highlighted that…

The research was conducted online by Censuswide on 7173 Women (UK, Italy, Philippines, Turkey, Poland, Romania and South Africa) between 14th – 21st September 2023.

#SpeakOut: Resources and information

Worried about yourself or someone that you know?

Gender-based violence can happen to anyone.  Although every situation is unique, there are common signs to look out for and places that you can go for support.

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Gender-Based Violence Protocol for employees

Our protocol builds on our commitment to those affected by gender-based violence. We believe that no-one should be held back due to experiencing gender-based violence. If one of our employees is experiencing it, our message is that we’re here for you. 

We’re committed to raising awareness about gender-based violence, so that everyone who works for Avon has access to support, resources and education. Further, we stand against all discrimination against survivors of gender-based violence, including existing employment and career development.

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Supporting GBV survivors in Ukraine

As the devastating war in Ukraine continues, the Avon Foundation is supporting survivors of gender-based violence. Projects include collaboration with Vital Voices to mobilise infrastructure and system support, and support for UNFPA in Ukraine to improve access to services for  gender-based violence survivors.

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Download our toolkit to understand more about how to spot the signs and help
