Global News | Oct 31, 2019
Getting creative for Hallowe’en: the festival of make up fun
Even if you hate horror movies, you can’t deny the opportunity Hallowe’en provides to experiment with beauty; it’s a festival full of make up fun. We’ve been embracing all things eerie and encouraging our networks of professional make up artists, beauty entrepreneurs and customers all over the Avon world to get creative and share their looks.
Avon UK crowned beauty entrepreneur Irina Popescu as the national winner of their hallowe’en make up competition. Representatives had to create their look and submit a photo for the chance to win a gorgeous make up bundle.
For the 24th year, Avon Brazil has curated its make up awards in partnership with Marie Claire and Quem magazines. Previously the realm of the professionals, for 2019 they’ve opened the competition up by creating new categories for influencers and Avon beauty entrepreneurs too. Competing for a trip to New York including a coveted training workshop at Avon’s renowned global Innovation Centre, the finalists are invited to create a look that embodies ‘looks like freedom’ and post to social media with the hashtag #premioavon24. The looks don’t have to be Hallowe’en themed, but the finalists are invited to attend a Hallowe’en gala in São Paulo where the winners will be announced. Watch this space to find out who wins and see some thrilling Hallowe’en gala pics.