Global News Mar 21, 2019
Changeboard conference: Jan Zijdvereld shares insight into Avon’s digital transformation
Avon CEO Jan Zijderveld took to the stage at the Changeboard Future Talent Conference 2019, addressing 750 senior business leaders and HR directors about Avon’s transformation journey to deliver digital beauty sales with a human touch .
Jan was interviewed on stage by Scott Snyder, Partner at Heidrick & Struggles, and author of Goliath’s Revenge: How Established Companies Turn the Tables on Digital Disruptors .
With a focus on humanity and technology at this year’s conference, Jan was natural fit to share Avon’s experience:
“Avon is the original social seller but we needed to make the shift from off- to on-line networks more quickly. There is huge opportunity for us to leverage digital to help Representatives build their business though a modern approach that provides more reward for their effort.”
“People and technology are central in this as we strive to solidify our position as a high touch, high tech digital beauty company selling with a human touch, though our millions of beauty entrepreneurs worldwide ,” Jan told the audience.
“We are making strong progress. We have a brochure that can be distributed by WhatsApp or Facebook , that people can access whenever, wherever. It’s currently in 60 countries, and 10% of all brochure views are through the electronic version. We’re reaching a whole new generation of people.”
This just marks the beginning of the transformation. Jan highlighted how Avon is using its powerful purpose to fuel the major changes needed to achieve success:
“Our purpose is at the heart of our transformation. We create an opportunity for people to become beauty entrepreneurs – to work on their own terms and in their own way. It was our founding principle more than 130 years ago.”
“Delivering on that purpose today demands transformation - across our supply chain, our communications, how we work, how we manage our brand, our product development, and how we support our millions of Representatives around the world.”
And Jan’s advice to others navigating a period of digital transformation?
“You have to adopt a day one mentality; start every day as if it is your first one in the job. Approaching each day with a fresh mentality helps you always strive for continuous improvement. Just 1% improvement every day will make the difference.”
You can hear more from Jan Zijderveld about his career journey, and Avon’s digital transformation, on the Changeboard Podcast here .