Global News | Apr 24, 2020
3.5 tons of hygiene products donated to care homes and oncology centres in Czech Republic and Slovakia
The Covid-19 pandemic continues to affect millions of people across the globe, particularly vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those living with cancer. Avon Czech Republic and Avon Slovakia have donated 3.5 tons of liquid soap and shower gel to care homes and oncology centres, to prevent the spread of the virus.
Avon is working with two charity partners. Liga Proti Rakovině supports cancer patients and operates a network of oncology centres and hospitals. Úsměv Seniorům runs 400 care homes supporting senior citizens. The soap and shower gel will be distributed to the centres, hospitals and care homes.
“Hygiene products such as soap and shower gel are crucial for preventing the spread of the virus. We are proud to work with Liga Proti Rakovině and Úsměv Seniorům to protect those who are particularly vulnerable to the coronavirus. We see this donation as a message that we’re all in it together – and together we can fight the spread of Covid-19.”
Karina Takovenko, General Manager Slavics at Avon.