The Power in Ageing Jul 12, 2022

Life really does begin at 40

New research carried out by Avon reveals turning forty brings a freeing sense of relief, self-assurance and self-contentment.

Shifts in attitudes are linked to the impact of the pandemic, with two thirds agreeing the pandemic has made them realise that life is fragile and getting older is something to appreciate (66%).

The findings come from our global study of women across seven countries and three continents, published by Avon in a new report called ‘ The Power in Ageing’, as our team of scientists and experts explore what it really means to age in 2022.

The report reveals that over half (54%) of women in the UK agree that in their forties, what ambition meant for them changed from having it all to having ‘enough’. This feeling is even stronger amongst women in the Philippines (76%), South Africa (70%) and Turkey (69%). As a result, less than a fifth (18%) of British women over forty are prioritising their career.

Angela Cretu, Avon CEO, comments: “We’ve been reclaiming our power and taking control over the narrative of ageing and making it fit with who we really are and how we really feel. Now, more than ever, what it means to be 40 and over is changing, and we’re finding the confidence we need to harness our power. And if you ask me, it’s about time.”

The research also suggests that women are becoming their most authentic self in their forties and beyond, and in the wake of the pandemic, half now want to focus on looking healthy rather than looking young.

Louise Scott, Avon Chief Scientific Officer, explains how the beauty industry is responding to this shift: “The terminology our industry uses to speak to women about their skin needs to evolve from ‘anti-ageing’ to ‘authentic-ageing’. Our ambition at Avon is to give every woman of every age the opportunity to have the best, healthiest skin she can have, without having to spend their hard-earned income on expensive products or cosmetic treatments.”

Check out our Power in Ageing report here.